Thursday, June 7, 2012

Want Mrs. Obama's Autograph? Papers Please!


Federal Bureau of (citizen) Identification
Department of Glorious Hypocrisy

Obama Book-Signing Protocol

All citizens wishing to have Her Highness Michele I autograph their book at the event on June 12 shall follow   Protocol 17B explicitly.  To wit:

  • Said citizen must purchase a copy of the book at the host store.
  • Said copy must be left at the store until the event on June 12
  • Said citizen must also provide their Social Security number and an OFFICIAL photo identification (driver's license or passport) to the Secret Service at the time of the book purchase.
  • Said citizen's life history will then be reviewed, and if deemed worthy of Her Highness's autograph, the citizen shall then be issued a wristband allowing entry into the June 12 event
  • The recommended configuration (CheckPoint Charlie template) of citizen entry into the vicinity of Her Highness is depicted below.

EDICT ADDENDUM:   All government officials must be aware that Book Signing Protocol 17B in no way affects or changes Presidential Vote-Casting Protocol 17V.  Protocol 17V follows Dear Leader's beliefs about the importance of secure and legitimate voting, and the guidelines for citizen identification during voting are listed below:

Thank you for your cooperation in this important matter.

1 comment:

  1. Can someone say HYPOCRISY?????????

    Mrs C
