Friday, November 16, 2012

Union Kills Twinkie the Kid!

RIP, Twinkie the Kid...

Talk about cutting off your nose despite your face...

The Bakers, Confectionary, Tobacco Workers and Grain Millers International Union or BCTGM  has killed Twinkie the Kid.  Because they refuse to make any concessions, the venerable 82 year old company Hostess will be shutting down and laying off 18,500 workers.  

Way to go union wonks!  Instead of pay and benefit cuts, 18,500 get 100% of NOTHING!  I mean heck, even the Teamsters were on board with Hostess.  But I guess I need to remember that Obama got reelected last week.  I guess the BCTGM union is counting on Obamaphones, 100 weeks of unemployment checks, Obamacare, and food stamps for doing nothing.  

Hmmmmmm.....  maybe that was their master plan from the beginning.

1 comment:

  1. Interestingly, the Obama administration has announced that they will begin immediate Twinkie production. Obama twinkies will be a little different than the Hostess variety. Picture a roll of gubmint cheese around a light filling made of $100 bills confiscated from 1%'ers.
